Creating a well-organized project structure for your Express app [express+ejs+mongodb] | Projectshop

Creating a well-organized project structure is crucial for maintaining and scaling a web application. Here’s a suggested project hierarchy for your web app using Express, EJS, MongoDB, HTML, and CSS. This structure aims to keep your code clean and maintainable:

├── public/
   ├── css/
      └── styles.css
   ├── js/
      └── scripts.js
   └── images/
       └── logo.png
├── views/
   ├── partials/
      ├── header.ejs
      ├── footer.ejs
      └── navbar.ejs
   ├── pages/
      ├── index.ejs
      ├── about.ejs
      └── contact.ejs
   └── layouts/
       └── main.ejs
├── routes/
   ├── index.js
   ├── users.js
   └── posts.js
├── models/
   ├── user.js
   └── post.js
├── controllers/
   ├── userController.js
   └── postController.js
├── config/
   ├── database.js
   └── config.js
├── middlewares/
   ├── auth.js
   └── errorHandler.js
├── utils/
   ├── helpers.js
   └── validators.js
├── test/
   ├── user.test.js
   └── post.test.js
├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── app.js
├── package.json

Explanation of the Structure

  1. public/: Contains static files (CSS, JavaScript, images).
    • css/: CSS files.
    • js/: JavaScript files.
    • images/: Image files.
  2. views/: EJS templates for rendering the front end.
    • partials/: Reusable EJS partials like headers, footers, and navbars.
    • pages/: Specific EJS pages like home, about, and contact.
    • layouts/: Layout files, typically a main layout file.
  3. routes/: Defines the application routes.
    • index.js: Main routes.
    • users.js: User-related routes.
    • posts.js: Post-related routes.
  4. models/: MongoDB models.
    • user.js: User model.
    • post.js: Post model.
  5. controllers/: Handles the business logic.
    • userController.js: User-related controller functions.
    • postController.js: Post-related controller functions.
  6. config/: Configuration files.
    • database.js: Database connection setup.
    • config.js: Other configuration settings.
  7. middlewares/: Middleware functions.
    • auth.js: Authentication middleware.
    • errorHandler.js: Error handling middleware.
  8. utils/: Utility functions and helpers.
    • helpers.js: General helper functions.
    • validators.js: Validation functions.
  9. test/: Unit and integration tests.
    • user.test.js: Tests for user functionality.
    • post.test.js: Tests for post functionality.
  10. Root Files:
    • .env: Environment variables.
    • .gitignore: Git ignore file.
    • app.js: Main application file.
    • package.json: Project dependencies and scripts.
    • Project documentation.

This structure should provide a solid foundation for your project, making it easier to manage as it grows. You can adjust the folders and files as per your specific requirements.

Also Read : How to Resolve npm install Stuck at ‘idealTree’ Step and Troubleshooting common npm installation issues in Express on Ubuntu?

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