Introduction to web2py Python – A Simple Overview

In the vast landscape of web frameworks for Python, web2py stands out due to its simplicity, ease of use, and powerful features. If you’re looking to dive into web development with Python, web2py is a great starting point. This blog will introduce you to web2py, its core concepts, and how to get started with building your web applications.

What is web2py?

web2py is a free, open-source web framework for agile development of secure database-driven web applications. Designed with the goal of simplifying web development, it requires no installation or configuration, and it includes a web-based interface to help you manage your applications.

Key Features of web2py

  1. Ease of Use: web2py is designed to be easy to use, even for those with little web development experience. It comes with a web-based integrated development environment (IDE) that includes a code editor, debugger, and one-click deployment.
  2. Security: It includes many built-in security features such as protection against injection flaws, cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and more.
  3. No Installation Required: You can run web2py without installation. Just download, unzip, and you’re ready to go. This makes it very beginner-friendly and portable.
  4. Built-in Components: It comes with a variety of built-in components, including an integrated ticketing system for error logging, an admin interface, and a web-based IDE.
  5. Database Abstraction: web2py includes a powerful Database Abstraction Layer (DAL) that supports multiple databases such as SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and more.

Getting Started with web2py

Downloading and Running web2py

1. Download web2py:

    2. Running web2py:

      • Unzip the downloaded file.
      • Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the web2py directory.
      • Run the following command:
        bash python
      • This will start the web2py server, and you can access it by opening a web browser and navigating to

      Creating Your First Application

      1. Accessing the Admin Interface:

        • After starting the web2py server, navigate to
        • You will be prompted to set up an admin password. This will be used to manage your web2py applications.

        2. Creating a New Application:

          • Once logged in, you will see the web2py admin interface.
          • Click on “Create” to create a new application.
          • Provide a name for your application and click “Create”.

          Understanding the Application Structure

          A web2py application follows a specific directory structure, which includes the following key components:

          • Models: Contains the database models.
          • Controllers: Contains the functions that handle user requests and interact with the models.
          • Views: Contains the HTML templates that define the layout of your web pages.
          • Modules: Contains reusable Python modules.
          • Static: Contains static files such as images, CSS, and JavaScript.
          • Languages: Contains language files for internationalization.
          • Cron: Contains scripts for scheduled tasks.

          Creating a Basic Application

          Let’s create a simple “Hello, World!” application to get a feel for how web2py works.

          Creating a Controller:

          • In the admin interface, navigate to your application.
          • Click on the “Edit” button next to your application.
          • Under the “Controllers” section, create a new file named

          Add the following code,

          def index():
            return dict(message="Hello, World!")

          Creating a View:

          Under the “Views” section, create a new file named default/index.html. Add the following code,

            <title>Hello, World!</title>

          Running the Application:

          • Open a web browser and navigate to
          • You should see the “Hello, World!” message displayed.


          web2py offers a streamlined, user-friendly approach to web development with Python. Its built-in tools and security features make it a robust choice for both beginners and experienced developers. By following the steps in this guide, you should now have a basic understanding of how to get started with web2py and create simple web applications.

          You can explore the extensive web2py documentation for more in-depth tutorials and advanced features. Happy coding!

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